Thursday, December 15, 2005


Lesson Learned

I have recently learned a lesson on generosity. My wife and I are currently living from a very tight budget. I work as a server and she is studying and doing a little bit of child care. What we have learned though is that no matter how little we may have there are always people that have less. One way that you can help others is to buy Christmas gifts for angel tree children through the Salvation Army. These children's names and needs can often be found at malls or sometimes at Wal-Mart. Another way to help others is to support a child from another country. World Hope can provide a child that you can support and you can build a long term relationship with the child. Your $25 a month will supply a child with education, food, clothing and healthcare. What is $25 to any of us. That is a dinner for two at a nice restaurant. A pair of jeans cost more than $25. A link to World hope is located in the left column. A free way to help starving people is through The Hunger Site. This site allows you to click once a day and provide a cup of food to starving people the sponsors of the site provide the food as payment for advertisement. During a season of giving consider giving to someone that has little or nothing.

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