Tuesday, December 13, 2005


To Dr. LaBar

This was originally a comment on another blog, but I posted it here as well because the comment was a few days late and I wanted him to see it.

I thank you for the prayer on your post on December 10th and for including me in it. Thank you for you many prayers for you students over the many years that you taught at SWU. Thank you for the prayers you have said for my sake. Thank you for the continued prayers over hopefully many more years to come. Please pray for me and my wife as we have some difficult decisions in the near future. She had a job interview last Friday; please pray for her in this process of trying to find a position. She is also taking her boards in Jan and is very nervous because she feels that she is not currently able to adequately prepare while she works her current jobs outside of the medical field.

I have always admired you, Dr. LaBar. You have been an example of intelligence, curiosity, faithfulness, patience, prayerfulness, practicality, and humility. You have taught me not to think to highly of myself, not to believe that I know and understand everything, to seek the other point of view, and to continually STUDY the Word. Thank you for your contributions in my life.

Thanks. I got it, both ways.
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