Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Sunday Sermon 12/2/06

"Joy to the World"

Luke 2:8-12

Dr. Reggie Weems

Luke 2:11 is the only place in the English Bible you find the words, Savior, Christ and Lord, in one verse.

I. Christmas is the joy of a son's birth.

Jesus came like us so that we could become like Him. We couldn't ge to where He was so He came to where we are.

II. Christmas is the joy of a savior's blessing.

Isaiah 43:11 & 49:26; I John 4:14 & Matthew 1:21

The title, Savior, the noun; salvation and the verb to save are found in every book of the New Testament.

Salvare (latin) = to make safe or secure

You can't seperate the hunger from the cross w/o losing the meaning of his birth. The word Savior not only tells us who Jesus is, but also who we are...sinners in need of a Savior.

III. Christmas is the joy of a unique Lord

The title Lord is used 9,000 times in the OT and over 6,000 times it refers to Jehovah.

Interesting about Luke 2:11. Thanks.
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